Goods insurance

DALK LLC offers cargo insurance. We understand that each cargo we transport can cost the whole business, that’s why we attribute great responsibility to the issue of insurance and safety provision.

Our customers trust us and we do everything to make the transportation reliable and safe. Sue to the professional experience and competence of our employers we perform the whole chain of work with the insurance company.

What can we insure:

Cargo being transported by any transport means from and to any place in the world.

Our advantages:

  • flexible insurance rates;
  • cooperation with trusted partners.

Cargo insurance is being performed for the following risks: damage, total or partial loss, disappearance, etc.

The insurance is valid for the whole period of transportation and freight forwarding from the moment of goods loading to the vehicle until its unloading in the recipient’s storage.

We also render services of guarantee during customs transit:

  • Provision of payment of customs fees and taxes
  • Customs support
  • Armed security during international transportations
  • Route determination

We value honesty in the suppliers and compliance with the high quality standards, that’s why we pay great attention to our contractors’ operation efficiency.

Остались вопросы? Звоните нам +7 (495) 665 72 27

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Download the cost of services of customs agent DALK
Download customs transit surety
For more accurate information, please contact our sales department: 8 (495) 665-72-27 ext. 10625 or send a request by filling out the form on the website.
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