
Medical devices (MD) are the following: medical devices made of glass, polymeric, rubber, textile and other materials, reagent kits and control material, other expendables that are mostly of single application not requiring technical maintenance during their use.

Our company renders the following services:

  • freight forwarding (avia, sea, auto) abroad and door-to-door delivery in Russia, including temperature sensitive freights;
  • import and export customs clearance;
  • obtaining permissive documentation;
  • customs clearance of medical equipment for international exhibitions and conferences, for clinical researches according to temporary import arrangements (including ATA Carnet System);
  • execution of transit procedures;
  • performance of necessary actions in customs authorities;
  • passing controlling agencies (epidemiological, ecological, phytosanitary, veterinary, radiological control);
  • payment of terminal services, arrangement of cargo handling in the terminal/temporary storage warehouse;
  • cargo delivery to the place of destination.

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For more accurate information, please contact our sales department: 8 (495) 665-72-27 ext. 10625 or send a request by filling out the form on the website.
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